24 abril 2014

¿Quieres VIVIR un Record Guinness de Radio?

Radios de todo el mundo, compitiendo por ganar un Record. El mayor programa de radio seguido de toda la historia: The Longest Radio Program in team in history. http://www.unono.net/wrc

Plaza Callao de Madrid, del 6 al 9 de Mayo: 6, 7, 8 & 9 May 2014. Setenta horas seguidas de Radio. Intervendrán 11 radios, de 11 países, de 4 continentes. Te dará curriculum.

Interesados en participar, enviad los datos (nombre, edad, estudios, experiencia, área) a Daniel Schwesinger schwesi91@hotmail.comNecesitamos voluntarios de calidad para el evento, con ganas de hacer historia. Secciones: medios de comunicación - redes sociales - producción - internacional - documentación/contenidos
Reunión: en Inforadio (Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense) el martes 29 de Abril a las 13:15’

A competition among all radio stations in the world. At stake, the longest radio talk show in history and the radio show with the biggest audience of all times. ‘We are going to show that the only limit of the talent is in ourselves. With this event we aim at rebelling against the sombre atmosphere of a crisis that is said to be stealing our future. We are 200 people in the team, we have been preparing this moment for more than half a year, personalities such as Almodóvar or Del Bosque will attend the event and at least 100 media will be talking about it. We deserve it. We are going to make history”

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