21 febrero 2013

Why the Spanish aren’t entrepreneurs?

Escribe Jennifer Riggins (February18, 2013): En España “un emprendedor es un bicho raro” which translates to “an entrepreneur is a rare bug.” Resumo en dos brochazos:

DESAPROVECHADOS. Keeping the nation’s most book-learned generation in history from reaching its potential.

TRIUNFAR, PERO SIN ESFUERZO. There is no culture of “if you fail, try, try again” or of learning from your mistakes. 

HUYEN DEL RIESGO. 70 percent of Spanish people want to work in large companies, while 70 percent of American graduates want to be their own bosses.

PARADOS. Why aren’t more of them creating jobs for themselves?

SIN INICIATIVAS. Young Spanish people don’t feel they have been taught how to be entrepreneurs, which is why teachers need to have the relevant tools and materials to teach business acumen and initiative, whilst also fostering their students’ interaction with local entrepreneurs.

SIN IDEALES. There’s no need to like what you do, you just need to have a job. In high school and university, no one has ever asked them what their motivation is — the most important part of starting your own business.

SUPER PROTEGIDOS. Kids have everything, not learning that everything has a cost.

MAL ENSEÑADOS. School has become just a place for passing exams, never for debate, discussion or critical thinking. Start-up values can best be instilled at a young age and the education system is not up to the task.

DESMOTIVADOS. Entrepreneurship can be learnt at school and should be actively promoted so that young Spaniards can develop skills such as independence, self-confidence and decision-making in situations of risk.

SER FUNCIONARIO. They aren’t living to make ends meet, but are simply waiting for their ideal job or are ‘opositando’: “You’re 23 years old with your whole life ahead of you and all you can dream of is to be a public servant?”

INMORALIDAD. When politicians are corrupt, most of the people aren’t up in arms, but tolerant, saying they’d do the same thing if they were in that situation.

EMIGRAR. Twice as many of Spain’s youth are currently emigrating than were in 2010. This creates a huge risk for the nation’s future.

CHANCHULLO. Spanish history and culture don’tteach the philosophy of success by hard work and risk-taking, but to have respect for those that have gained success through acting craftily and cunningly.

PICARESCA. For the sake of survival, innocent Lazaro grows into a cunning young man who learns to cheat the cheaters. the blind man. says, “If I cheat and you don’t say anything, I assume you’re cheating too. We all try to fool each other.” Five hundred years later, Lazaro’s tale still paints a perfect picture of Spanish society. 

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